17/08/2013 - 15:07 LEGO News

LEGO AFOL Survey Q2 2013

Comme pour chaque sondage réalisé auprès de la communauté des fans de LEGO, le fabricant communique sur les leçons à tirer des réponses enregistrées.

Voici donc le communiqué officiel concernant le dernier sondage.
Rien de bien passionnant, si ce n'est une phrase qui a retenu toute mon attention, elle est en gras dans le texte ci-dessous : Il semblerait que les participants aient massivement manifesté leurs inquiétudes au sujet de la politique de prix de LEGO et de la baisse de la qualité des produits commercialisés.

Pour répondre à ce constat, LEGO annonce vouloir faire des efforts pour communiquer sur l'évolution des prix de ses produits, (La seule unité de mesure viable étant le prix au kilo* de matière première contenue dans une boite, donc de plastique ABS, et non pas le prix à la pièce comme l'indique LEGO dans son commentaire...) et entend publier des données relative à la qualité de sa production, régulièrement considérée par de nombreux AFOLs comme en baisse.

Ce sondage aura au moins servi à provoquer une première réaction du fabricant sur des sujets qui font régulièrement l'actualité au sein de la communauté : Les prix et la qualité des produits. Il reste à voir quelles réponses concrètes seront apportées au fans...

(*Le kilo de LEGO est remonté de 50$ en 2005 à 75 $ en 2010, après avoir enregistré un pic à 150$ le kilo dans les années 1985-1990 - Prix moyen par gramme d'une brique LEGO)

Dear LEGO Fan community,

In June and July 2013, we ran an installation of our quarterly LEGO Fan Survey, and we would like to share the results with you.

Over 4,000 LEGO fans over the age of 13 participated from all over the world. In addition to the new languages offered in Q1, we added Italian and Polish versions of the survey. Teens (13-18) represented 12% of survey takers, and the largest two groups of adult fans participating remained those from 25-34 and 35-44. Adult Fans of LEGO (AFOL) from North America, Asia, and Western Europe represented the bulk of survey takers.

We were able to code all of the responses to the question regarding AFOL willingness to recommend products and services to friends and family members. Those highly likely to recommend have a strong passion for the brand, appreciate the quality of the products, and recognize LEGO products’ ability to draw out creativity and fun among people of all ages. Those less likely to recommend aren’t quite sure their friends will appreciate LEGO products in the same way they do, due to the perception of both high price and declining quality of products. Better efforts will be made by the CEE Support Team to share factual data on the pricing trends for the products (price per brick) along with quality and perfection rate data.

We also ask a question about the likelihood to recommend community resources and received a diverse set of responses to that question, too. Those likely to recommend community resources mention the warmth, expertise, and passion in the community as well as the wealth of information available to anyone with any interest (no matter how narrow). Those less likely to recommend feel that the community is too complex for casual LEGO builders or that the sites are too diverse and lacking a central source to hold them together.

There’s also a lack of awareness in nearly all regions except Northern Europe of the LEGO Community Events and Engagement team. Those familiar with the team feel that the fan community is strong and that they have good opportunities to participate in events with other fans much more than those unfamiliar with the LEGO CEE team. The Community team will continue to improve ways in being more accessible and easier to find while ensuring fair and equal support around the world.
Thank you to those of you who participated in the survey for allowing us the opportunity to improve. We look forward to your responses in the next survey and to your continued engagement and participation in the community.

With kind regards,
Yun Mi Antorini, Community Strategist

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