24/02/2012 - 23:32 LEGO News

6865 Captain America’s Avenging Cycle

Merci à Exobrick pour l'info : Voici les visuels de la boite et du contenu du set 6865 Captain America’s Avenging Cycle. Comme on le soupçonnait depuis la présentation du set lors de la New York Toy Fair, Red Skull ne sera pas dans cette boite, mais nous aurons droit à 2 Skrulls (ou aliens, ou le nom que Marvel voudra bien leur attribuer...)

La description du set an anglais publiée par toysrus.com :

Win the battle against the general and the foot soldier with LEGO Super Heroes Captain America's Avenging (6865)! Speed into battle with Captain America's Avenging Cycle to defeat the general and the foot soldier in the craft with folding wings and a flick missile!

While riding his Avenging Cycle, Captain America spots the general on his craft. Help Captain America use his indestructible shield to defeat the general and his foot soldier! Win the battle and send them back to where they came from. The fate of the world lies in your hands.

The LEGO Super Heroes Captain America's Avenging (6865) features:
3 MiniFigures: Captain America, general and foot soldier
Vehicles include Captain America's Avenging Cycle and general's craft
Avenging Cycle features shield holder
General's craft has folding wings and flick missile
Fire the flick missile!
Throw the shield at the general and the foot soldier!
Foot soldier's gun stand has a missile
Speed into battle on the Avenging Cycle!
Measures over 2" (6cm) high and 3" (7cm) long
General's craft measures over 2" (6cm) high and 4" (10cm) long

6865 Captain America’s Avenging Cycle

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